Monastery administration

CYPRIAN, n. o.

Since January 1, 2008, the National Cultural Monument of Carthusian Monastery is run by the non-profit organisation CYPRIAN.

Title of the organisation


Legal status

Non-profit organisation providing services of general interest

Registered address

Národná kultúrna pamiatka Kláštor Kartuziánov
Pod lipami č. 20,
059 06 Červený Kláštor

Registration Number

37 887 831

Tax Identification Number


VAT Number


Establishment and registration

Non-profit organisation CYPRIAN, n.o. providing services of general interest was established in 2007; it was registered by the District Authority in Prešov on December 19, 2007 under the No. OVVS-217/2007-NO pursuant to the Section 11, par. 1 of the Act of the Slovak National Council No 213/1997 Coll. on non-profit organisations providing services of general interest as amended by the Act 35/2002 Coll..

Statutory bodies

Board of Directors
Juraj Liszkay, Chairman (The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava)
Peter Glos, Member (The Regional Monuments Board, Prešov)
Branislav Rezník, Member (The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava)

Supervisory Board
Alena Markovičová, Chairwoman (Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava)
Dušan Badura, Member (Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava)
Ján Kurňava, Member (District of Kežmarok)


Milan Gacík, Weilburská 2396/1, 060 01 Kežmarok

About the non-profit organisation

The non-profit organisation CYPRIAN aims at providing complex care for service and operation of the National cultural monument Carthusian Monastery. It is in charge of running the museum, museum shop, Pub under the Lime Tree and accommodation services. Based on the organisation’s articles of association, the non-profit organisation is also in charge of:

  • collecting, processing and disseminating information and knowledge concerning the Carthusian Monastery, including its presentation, publication and publishing;
  • designing, organising and staging cultural, social and educational events, projects and activities, mainly in the premises of the National cultural monument Carthusian Monastery; especially events, projects and activities focusing on creation, protection, restoration and presentation of spiritual, cultural and historical values as well as on presentation, preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage;
  • designing, organising and facilitating projects and activities concerning complementary education focusing on healthy lifestyle, protection and development of physical and mental health of adults, children and youth;
  • designing, organising, co-operating and helping to prepare and stage projects and activities focusing on nature conservation, environmental protection and education;
  • establishing and enhancing co-operation with similar monasteries and entities in terms of development and protection of spiritual and cultural values, complementary education of children and youth and environmental protection in Slovakia and abroad;
  • organising and implementing projects built on co-operation with entities and enterprises in Slovakia and abroad focusing mainly on development and preservation of spiritual and cultural values, complementary education of children and youth and environmental protection; and
  • performing and providing services as information, consulting, organisational, project, cultural and educational centre.