How to get to here
The Red Monastery Museum is located in the municipality of Červený Kláštor (Red Monastery) in Kežmarok District. You can arrive at the museum by car or bus, unfortunately, there is no railway leading to the village.
By bus
The bus stop is located right by the Carthusian monastery. Whether you arrive from Stará Ľubovňa direction, Haligovce or from the opposite side of Poprad, Spišská Belá, Spišská Stará Ves, and border crossing of Lysá nad Dunajcom, the bus will always stop on the Červený Kláštor reštaurácia stop (Red Monastery, restaurant).
If you feel like taking a walk, you may get off at any stop in Červený Kláštor, there is no way you can miss the National cultural monument of Carthusian Monastery on your way.
By car
From Stará Ľubovňa, Haligovce direction, the Carthusian Monastery is located approx. 1 km from Smerdžonka Spa on the right-hand side. Private paid parking lot can be found in front of the Monastery on your left. It is not possible to park the car inside the Monastery quarters; the only exception being accommodated guests.
From Poprad, Spišská Belá, Spišská Stará Ves and Lysá nad Dunajcom border crossing direction, you can reach the museum by the main road. You may park the car on one of the private parking lots in the village; all of them can be found on your right. It is not possible to park the car inside the Monastery quarters; the only exception being accommodated guests. You can reach the museum on foot if you walk along the main road.
GPS 49°23´58“S 20°25´00“V